
Greg's Gambit


Feeling slighted and disillusioned, Greg devises a calculated scheme to betray Tom and use his newfound alliance with Ewan to leverage power within the company. As the Roys and the board grapple with the repercussions of Greg's maneuvering, his unexpected rise to CEO shakes the foundations of Waystar Royco and tests loyalties within the family.



Tension fills the air as the Roy siblings gather for a crucial board meeting. Lukas Matsson, the CEO of GoJo, sits confidently at the table. Tom Wambsgans nervously glances around the room.

LOGAN ROY's absence is palpable, his recent passing weighing heavily on everyone's minds.


(to the board)

We can't let GoJo take over the company. We have to fight for the legacy our father built.



Absolutely. We can't let outsiders control our destiny.



But what's the plan? How do we stop Lukas?

Tom, sensing an opportunity, clears his throat.


(looking at Lukas)

Lukas, what if we strike a deal? I can be the bridge between Waystar Royco and GoJo. Let me be the CEO and lead this transition.

Lukas raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the proposition.



Tom, I never considered you for the role. But I'm willing to entertain this idea. Convince me.

Tom takes a deep breath, realizing the weight of his words.



I've been with Waystar Royco for years, working closely with Logan and understanding the inner workings of this company. I can ensure a smooth integration of our two companies. With my knowledge and understanding of the industry, I'll make this transition seamless, preserving the core values that made Waystar Royco successful.

Shiv and Kendall exchange uncertain glances, torn between their loyalty to the family and their reservations about Tom's abilities.



Well, if we're going down, might as well let Cousin Greg have a shot too!

Everyone chuckles, briefly lightening the tension in the room.



Alright, Tom. I'll give you a chance. Prove to me that you're the right person to lead Waystar Royco during this transition.

The board members look at each other, some nodding in agreement.


Tom sits behind the CEO desk, overwhelmed and determined. He stares at a photo of Logan Roy, his mentor and father figure.



I won't let you down, Logan.

The season progresses, showcasing Tom's unexpected rise to power as the CEO of Waystar Royco. He works diligently to navigate the complexities of the transition, balancing the demands of Lukas, the Roy family, and the company's employees.

Greg, once mentored by Tom, observes the situation from a distance. He recalls their past relationship, the knowledge he gained from working closely with Tom, and the ambitions that were once ignited within him.


Greg interrupts the intense board meeting, his voice filled with determination.


(to the board)

I've spent years learning from Tom, witnessing his strengths and weaknesses. But I've also come to realize that the path to success requires bold choices and the willingness to challenge the status quo.

The room falls silent, everyone's attention now on Greg.


Tom's proposed transition is admirable, but it lacks the innovation and fresh perspectives needed to secure Waystar Royco's future. I believe it's time for a new approach, a leader who


Tom's proposed transition is admirable, but it lacks the innovation and fresh perspectives needed to secure Waystar Royco's future. I believe it's time for a new approach, a leader who can navigate the evolving landscape of media and technology.

Shiv, Kendall, and Roman exchange surprised glances, curious to hear Greg's alternative.


I've been observing the industry closely, studying the market trends and consumer behaviors. I have a vision for Waystar Royco that embraces the digital era and positions us as pioneers in streaming media. With the right strategies and a commitment to adaptability, we can revolutionize the way entertainment is consumed.

The board members lean in, captivated by Greg's confidence and fresh perspective.



And how do you plan to achieve this, Greg?



By leveraging our existing resources and partnerships while also exploring strategic collaborations with innovative tech companies. We need to embrace change and take calculated risks. With the right team and a clear vision, Waystar Royco can become the industry leader in the digital age.

The room fills with a mix of excitement and uncertainty as the board members contemplate Greg's proposal.



It's a bold plan, Greg. But are you ready for the challenges that come with leading a company of this scale?



I understand the responsibility that comes with this position. I've learned from the best, including Tom. Together, we can create a new era for Waystar Royco, built on innovation, integrity, and adaptability.

Kendall nods in agreement, acknowledging Greg's determination and the potential of his vision.



Very well, Greg. I'm intrigued by your ideas. We'll give you the opportunity to present a detailed strategy for the future of Waystar Royco.

The board members signal their approval, signaling a shift in the dynamics of power.


Greg sits at his desk, a mixture of excitement and apprehension evident on his face. He gazes out the window, contemplating the challenges that lie ahead.


(to himself)

This is my chance to make a difference, to honor the legacy of Logan and propel Waystar Royco into a new era.

The season progresses, showcasing Greg's tenacity and innovative thinking as he implements his vision for Waystar Royco. He surrounds himself with a team of forward-thinking professionals, harnessing the power of technology and media to shape the company's future.

The Roy siblings observe Greg's leadership with a mix of skepticism and begrudging respect. They begin to recognize the potential of his ideas and the positive impact they can have on the company.

The season concludes with a board meeting, where Greg presents the results of his strategies and initiatives. The Roy family, though still cautious, acknowledges the progress made under Greg's leadership, and the potential for Waystar Royco to thrive in the digital age.


Greg addresses the board, his voice filled with determination and hope.


(to the board)

We've come a long way, but there's still more work to be done. Together, we will write a new chapter for Waystar Royco, ensuring its continued success in the ever-evolving media landscape.

The board members applaud, acknowledging Greg's dedication and the promising future he envisions.


Greg, with a newfound confidence, addresses the board with a sly smile.


(to the board)

I appreciate your consideration, but I must be transparent. Tom's proposed transition lacks the ingenuity and adaptability necessary to secure Waystar Royco's future. In fact, there are certain personal matters that have come to my attention regarding Tom's conduct within the company.

The room falls silent, everyone's attention now solely focused on Greg.



What are you talking about, Greg?



I've come across certain information during my time at Waystar Royco that raises concerns about your leadership and decision-making abilities. I believe it's in the best interest of the company to part ways with Tom and seek a fresh perspective to navigate these challenging times.

Shiv, Kendall, and Roman exchange glances, their surprise evident. Tom's expression changes from defensive to worried.



Greg, what are these "concerns" you're referring to?


(with conviction)

Let's just say that I've stumbled upon some documents and emails that shed light on Tom's questionable decisions and potential conflicts of interest within the company. I believe it's crucial for Waystar Royco's integrity and reputation that we address these issues head-on.

Tom's face pales as he realizes the gravity of the situation. He tries to compose himself, but the weight of Greg's revelations hangs heavy in the room.



Greg, if what you're saying is true, we need to investigate these matters thoroughly. Tom, do you have any response to these allegations?

Tom stammers, struggling to find the right words.



I... I don't... This is a misunderstanding. There must be some mistake.


(smiling triumphantly)

I assure you, Lukas, there's no mistake. The evidence speaks for itself.

The board members exchange concerned glances, their trust in Tom wavering. They turn to Lukas, awaiting his decision.



Given the seriousness of these allegations, I believe it's in the best interest of Waystar Royco to terminate Tom's position immediately. We will conduct a thorough investigation to ensure the integrity of our company.

The room erupts into murmurs as Tom's fate is sealed. Shiv, Kendall, and Roman process the shocking turn of events, their loyalties shifting amidst the chaos.


Greg sits behind his desk, a mixture of triumph and apprehension on his face. He reflects on the power he now holds within the company and the impact his actions will have on the Roy family.


(to himself)

I did what I had to do to protect the legacy of Waystar Royco. Now, I must prove myself worthy of this position.

The season progresses, showcasing Greg's leadership as he implements his vision for the company. His strategic decisions, coupled with his newfound knowledge of the inner workings of Waystar Royco, lead to unprecedented growth and success.

Shiv, Kendall, and Roman, though initially skeptical of Greg's methods, witness the positive transformation within the company. They come to realize that Greg's actions, although ruthless, were ultimately in the best interest of Waystar Royco.

The season concludes with a board meeting, where Greg presents impressive financial results and outlines his plans for continued growth. The Roy siblings, now united under Greg's leadership, cautiously embrace the changes and acknowledge


The Roy siblings, Shiv, Kendall, and Roman, find themselves on a lavish vacation together. The sun shines brightly, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore fills the air. They sit by the pool, each lost in their thoughts, contemplating Cousin Greg's remarkable ascent to power.


(looking out at the ocean)

Who would have thought? Cousin Greg, of all people, rising to the top.

Kendall, reclining on a lounge chair, smirks with a mix of admiration and skepticism.


(raises an eyebrow)

He certainly surprised us all. Greg always had that "deer in headlights" look, but he's proven to be more cunning than we gave him credit for.

Roman, lounging on a nearby hammock, chimes in with a hint of amusement.


(leaning back)

I mean, the guy used to get us coffee. Now he's calling the shots. Life works in mysterious ways, huh?

Shiv, lost in her thoughts, reflects on the implications of Greg's rise to power.



It's a reminder that in this world, anything can happen. We underestimated Greg, and now we're left dealing with the consequences.

Kendall sits up, a glint of determination in his eyes.



We can't dwell on our misjudgment. Greg may have secured the CEO position, but that doesn't mean we're out of the game. We need to adapt, strategize, and reclaim what's rightfully ours.

Roman, always the provocateur, interjects with a mischievous smile.


(raising an eyebrow)

Or we could just sit back, sip piña coladas, and let Cousin Greg run the show. I hear the perks of being a CEO are pretty sweet.

Shiv playfully nudges Roman, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.



Oh, come on, Roman. Where's your competitive spirit? We're Roy's, after all. We don't settle for anything less than the top.

The three siblings share a moment of laughter, their bond momentarily strengthened by the unlikely turn of events.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden hue across the tranquil scene, the Roy siblings exchange glances filled with a renewed determination. They may be on vacation, but their minds are already spinning with plans to reclaim their power within Waystar Royco.